Moving House Checklist > Winter Moving Tips

Moving day is never easy. 

Not only is it physically draining, but it’s also mentally demanding. 

Packing up your life, sifting through your belongings and preparing to move somewhere new is tough.

You have memories in your old home, good or bad. But now is the time to leave, to say goodbye.

Given the stressful nature of moving day, you need the world to work in your favour. 

You’d hope for clear roads and an easy transition, but this isn’t always the case. 

There are a lot of things that can go wrong on moving day, with the weather being the most unpredictable. 

While you’d hope for a bright, sunny day to help you on your way, this isn’t always going to happen. In fact, if you’re moving in the winter, a sunny day is unlikely.

So how do you prepare to move in the winter? What can you do to make this challenging day easier? Take a look at the below.

1. Plan ahead

If there’s one thing British people like to talk about, it’s the weather. In the weeks before moving day, keep an eye on the weather, and make plans for the worst-case scenario. 

If the forecast is looking particularly bleak or dangerous, give the removal company a call and create a back-up plan. The last thing you want to happen is to be left in the lurch through a lack of planning.


2. Get up and go 

Getting up in the winter is never easy, but it’s a necessity on moving day. 

Winter evenings are dark and long, so take advantage of the daylight hours and get going in the morning. 

It might be a bit of a struggle, but you’ll be glad when you’re home and safe before the street lights come on.


3. Clear driveways and paths 

While you may be able to rely on main roads being gritted by local authorities, you might have to do a bit of work yourself. 

If your new or old property has private entry points, take the time to make sure that these are clear before you move. It may mean putting down salt or sand the night before, but it’ll be worth it in the morning. 


4. Protect your floors

Clearing the snow and ice will help you get into the property, but it can also cause problems once you’re there. 

Walking salt and grit through your new home will damage the carpet or other flooring finishes. 

Before you move, put down sheets and blankets to protect your floors. But, be careful, as you don’t want to create a slippery or uneven surface as a result. 

If you’re unsure about what you’re doing, speak to your removal company. They should be able to offer advice or may even carry out the work themselves. 


5. Check your car

This is sound advice for whenever you plan on travelling in the winter. But, with the stress of moving day, it can be an easy one to forget.

Make sure that your car is checked over before you travel. Check the fuel levels, get some de-icer and keep an ice-scraper handy.

While we hope you won’t have to use it, having snow shovel will help in the case of extreme weather.


6. Turn the heating on 

You should’ve arranged to take over the power supplies before you move into your new home. If this is the case, ask if the previous owners can leave the heating on low when they leave the property.

This will ensure that the property is nice and warm when you arrive. It will also prevent any issues arising from leaving the house unoccupied and cold. 

The previous owners should also take a meter reading before they leave the property, so you won’t be left facing a large bill in the future. 


7. Protect your belongings

You should be doing this anyway, but it’s particularly important in the winter. Wrap your furniture and belongings in protective wrapping and suitable boxes before you leave. This will prevent the conditions from damaging your items and make them easier to move. 

If it is a particularly wet and windy day, the removal company should provide these materials for you. 

Remember that cardboard gets wet, so plastic boxes with wheels may be your best bet. 


8. Pack the essentials

It’s going to be a long day, so make sure you’ve got some essential items with you. 

Pack a separate box of essentials and keep them in the car rather than in the main removal van. That way you will have easy access to them when required. 

You’ll need a refreshment break every now and then, so make sure you’ve got drinks and snacks to hand. The removal company will also get thirsty, so pack a kettle and get brewing once you’re in your new home.


9. Bring some towels

This follows on from the above. If you’re dealing with wet conditions, bring a few towels to help keep dry and warm. 

You’ll be spending a lot of time ferrying items between your vehicles and your properties and you could get drenched. Pack a towel, a change of clothes and have a shower when you get to your new place.


10. Check the utilities in your new home 

You should’ve already done this during the viewing process, but make sure that the utilities in your new home are in working order. 

Doing so will prevent any issues arising once you’re in the house and will give you a comfortable start to your new life. 

You don’t want to end up in your new home only to find out the lights don’t work and the boiler is bust. Not only will it ruin your day, but it will impact your attachment to your new property.


11. Dress well

It may not be the most glamorous of occasions, but you need to dress for the big day. 

Wear clothes that are comfortable and allow you to move around and breathe. 

Light layers will allow you to cope with the change of temperature between the house and outside. 

You should also wear appropriate footwear with a good grip on the soles. 


12. Consider cancelling

This is a last resort. If the weather is making it impossible to move, then you should consider cancelling.

Of course, this may not possible. But, if it is, then cancel the move. 

Do not put yourself in danger. Your safety is more important than your house move. 


Moving house is a stressful event, no matter the weather. 

If you are having to contend with some wintery conditions, these tips should help make the process easier. 

Don’t be afraid to seek help and advice from the removal company and don’t put your safety at risk.

Other than that, good luck and enjoy your new home!

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