Top ten tips for making friends after moving at Christmas


Moving home is supposed to be an exciting time, but it can also be a hard time and result in a big change if you’re moving to a completely new area. That’s why it’s important that you try to get out and make friends with people in your new area, so that you feel at home and welcome. And what better time to do this than at Christmas, (when everyone has to be nice to each other…) Here is our Top Tips Tuesday list for how to make new friends after you’ve moved.

1. Decorate your house
Get your neighbours to pay attention to the new people who have moved in (aka You) by decorating your house or front door so that people get curious and wonder who you are.


2. DO NOT buy any curtains
During the winter season, when it’s dark outside, it’s easier for people to spy in on your lit up living room. And that’s just what you want them to do! Make your new neighbours see what nice people you are and make them even more curious about you!

3. Throw an amazing Christmas party
When you’ve got your new neighbours’ attention and they want to know who you are, throw a party! Show people that you are a sociable and fun neighbour by inviting the neighbourhood to a Christmas party in your new home! Have a look at this post for some inspiration for your party!

4. Send out Christmas cards to your new neighbours
Who doesn’t love getting Christmas cards in the post? Put a smile on the face of your neighbours by putting a Christmas card in their letterbox. You might really make a difference to someone’s Christmas if they don’t usually get any Christmas cards, and they will remember it!


5. Arrange your own ‘Santa’s Grotto’
Do it somewhere where the people in the neighbourhood will see you, outside your house or by the local supermarket or simply on the street where you live. Let the parents in the neighbourhood know what you’re doing (so that you get some children to come, and also make sure your neighbours know that it’s you who is organising this fun activity). But please remember to dress up well, so that you don’t crush any childrens’ beliefs in Santa.. Not a good way to get popular in the neighbourhood!

6. Look out for Christmas activities
At Christmas time there’s always different activities going on in different areas, look up what’s happening in your new area and join in the celebration and find new friends over a glass of mulled wine.

7. Christmas movie showing
Who doesn’t love to watch Christmas movies at Christmas time?! Host your own ‘home cinema night’ and show The Grinch, Home Alone, Elf and all your other favourites to your neighbours! This will be well appreciated by anyone who loves Christmas!

8. Go to your local pub
The amount of people who have made friends in a pub is endless! A pub is one of those places where there is no shame in coming alone. Just sit down, have a drink and sooner or later someone will talk to you, and if they don’t, just talk to them! It usually turns out after a couple of drinks that you have more in common with most people than you thought and you’ll most likely leave with new friends!


9. Be helpful
Everyone likes people who are helpful and who bring something to the relationship. Listen to people’s concerns and give advice when you can. If someone in your new neighbourhood is about to move home soon, you’re the best person to give them advice as you’ve just been through the same process! So recommend Buzzmove to them so that their move goes as smoothly as yours!

10. Recycle your boxes
Christmas time is all about kindness, so take the opportunity to be kind both to your neighbours and the environment by reusing your moving boxes to build Christmas castles for the kids in your new area! If you don’t feel like doing it all by yourself, invite all the kids over and let them get creative! However do remember to also invite their parents, and offer them some gingerbread and a glass of mulled wine while they watch their children play.


kjhsadj(All pictures from Pinterest)

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3 thoughts on “Top ten tips for making friends after moving at Christmas

  1. Fitzgerald

    I еnjoy what yoou guуs tend to be up too.
    Such clever work and reporting! Keep up the gгeat wоrks guyѕ I’ve incorporated you guys to blogroll.

  2. Stack RnS

    I would also suggest going to public places and interacting with the locals around, befriending them with a smile because your new and don’t know the place well. I also would like to add that you should plan and organized ahead of time especially your stuffs in order to easily find your moved things.

  3. Stack RnS

    In doing these important shared tips mentioned above would really entail success in terms of your relocation concerns. Organizing and planing ahead of your desired schedule definitely eliminate time and efforts.

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