The 5 deadly signs you are moving house…



It has been well documented that moving house is one of the most stressful life events, on par with divorce and bereavement. To help us all embrace the ‘stress’ and laugh together we are going to reveal the 5 deadly signs of moving!


(1) Bags

No, not those of the carrier bag variety. Many a mover suffers with  bags under their eyes.  Moving house is no walk in the park and the area under the eyes usually gives this away. Either pop a few sleeping pills or give one of those eye creams a go.

(2) Hair loss

According to a recent survey 10% of movers suffer from increased hair loss. I did come across this statistic in the ‘Daily Mail’ so it must be gospel afterall.

(3) Short-term memory failure

15% of movers suffer from short-term memory failure. This could be to do with the one hundred and one things you have to remember throughout the moving process.

(4) Weightloss

….Silver lining

(5) Increased stress and anxiety

Matters such as viewings, lawyers, mortgage approvals and estate agents are pretty darn stressful!  Expect an increase in family arguments, temper-tantrums and moodiness.


Luckily for you, we at BuzzMove are working on providing you with a stress-free moving experience, from start to finish. Say goodbye to stress and hair loss and say hello to BuzzMove!


5 thoughts on “The 5 deadly signs you are moving house…

  1. House Removals London

    Really these all signs are right that we are moving. Moving Home is really stressful for all of us especially when we have crazy kids and pets in our home. Thanks I really liked your blog.

  2. Alex

    Everyone who has ever moved can confirm that. You need to be flexible and allow yourself some extra breathing room to deal with these problems. Don’t stress about extraneous variables that are beyond your control, it will only upset you and a solution is more difficult to come across when you are anxious and stressed out.

  3. Architect and Interior Designers

    completely agree on that moving house is one of the most stressful life events, Many thanks favored for the fantastic data described in this article…

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