Top Tip New Year’s Resolutions for Home Movers



63ca5aca2a9e96fc02c6816ce9670e71New year means new beginnings, and for some a new beginning also equals a new home. If you’re one of those who are thinking of moving in 2014 it might be worth it to have a look at our list of top tip New Years resolutions for home movers! This year we will:

1. Not to ignore the budget, remember that there is a reason why you have a budget… When making an offer you are dealing with large figures and it might not seem like £10,000 is that much money in relation to the total price, but it is! Don’t go blind with the numbers, and keep to the budget you know you can afford.

2. Get a home survey. The house might look amazing but it’s still always worth getting the opinion of an expert, not only the real estate agent or the present owners…

3. Not to go crazy with buying new stuff for this lovely new home. Okay so our grandmother’s old sofa might not be the best fit in this new cool flat, but we have just spent A LOT of money on this buy and we can wait a month or two with the decorations once we’ve figured out our finances as new home owners.

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4. Not to buy unless it’s a good investment… So we’ve all been at this stage where you find a house and think this is just perfect, I want to spend the rest of my life here. BUT this doesn’t always happen, sometimes life gets in the way and changes your plan, and then it’s good to have a house that you’re able to sell.

5. Remember to look into the future of the new area. Are there any big development plans happening close to where you want to move? Or is there a huge undeveloped area close to the property that might not be undeveloped for much longer?

6. Remember that we don’t have super powers and neither do our friends. It might not seem that hard to move yourself, but it usually requires more work than you think. So why not skip the stress and unnecessary arguments with friends and book a trusted removals company with Buzzmove instead.

7. Not to forget that our lovely Garfield has to move too! Remember that it takes just as long for your pets to prepare for the move as it does for you, for more tips about moving with pets click here.


8. We will remember to clean out the house BEFORE we move out… So all these old clothes and things that we haven’t had any use of since the 90s, do they really have to be transported all the way to the new house? No… Sell, donate to charity and give to friends and family things you don’t need and skip the extra cost of paying for it to be moved.

9. We will pack our essentials box. We don’t want to end up in our new house without any toilet paper or milk and the kids’ ‘can’t go to bed without’ teddies lost in one of the million boxes…

10. We won’t stress (too much, a little stress is natural for any move).


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