As we are launching in the glorious capital of London, we feel it is only fair that we provide you with our guide to all things London. We will give you the low-down on London dining, historical landmarks, nightlife and…
As we are launching in the glorious capital of London, we feel it is only fair that we provide you with our guide to all things London. We will give you the low-down on London dining, historical landmarks, nightlife and…
Moving home in your own country can be pretty darn stressful, right? Now imagine emigrating to a completely different country! More and more Brits are choosing to up-sticks and settle elsewhere. A recent survey stated that as many as 50%…
Crucial to a painless, seamless move is finding a great removal company. But, how exactly do you find your Mr Mover? 1) Search around on google (other search engines do exist) and research a wide range of removal companies 2)…
It has been well documented that moving house is one of the most stressful life events, on par with divorce and bereavement. To help us all embrace the ‘stress’ and laugh together we are going to reveal the 5 deadly…
1) Pop it That was obvious ey… 2) Sit on it Bring some bubblewrap along for the ride. Use it to cushion those nasty public seats and ensure your gluteus maximus is kept comfy all night long. 3)…
Sporting our lovely BuzzMove hoodies and armed with a gift of Camomile tea we entered the house (yes, we were invited)….. Due to the powers that be (health and safety laws) we were not allowed to actively partake in the…
Before the excitement of moving comes pain! The pain of packing everything you own! A daunting task for all and enough to bring a grown adult to tears… …Fear not, the BuzzMove team are on hand to wipe away the…
The Who? We are Buzzmove, a London based, heavily-invested, digital start-up on one hell of a mission…Our founding team consists of two serial entrepreneurs and one ex-lawyer (don’t judge)come removal entrepreneur. Add to that recipe, a team of industry and…