Most common moving house mistakes and how to avoid them

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If you’re about to move house for the first time, or if you haven’t moved for a while, you might feel lost in the removals jungle between removal costs and packing boxes. If that’s the case, then this list will help you get on the right track, and will make sure you don’t make the same moving mistakes that so many movers before you have done!

Mistake number 1,  trying to do it ALL on your own
When you’re deciding to move, it might not feel like such a big thing and you might feel like this is something you can do on your own or with help from some friends. If this is what you’re thinking, then it’s time to rethink. Moving house is a stressful process and in between all the planning and packing you don’t want to take on the responsibility of moving everything yourself as well, or putting your belongings in the hands of friends and family. Not only will you and your friends have to carry heavy furniture up and down stairs, but you will also not be insured for any damage that might occur. This will not only add more unnecessary stress to your move but might also put a strain on your friendship.

movingfail Most common moving house mistakes and how to avoid them

Mistake number 2, not researching the moving companies well enough

One of the worst moving house mistakes is to not research removal companies well enough before deciding which one to go for. Too many people have had their belongings damaged by unreliable removal companies with no insurance. We know that moving is expensive, and that when you’re comparing removal quotes it might feel tempting to go for the cheapest price, but in most cases this is where it all goes wrong. If you want a trusted and insured removal company it will cost you, but it will not cost you more than it would to replace all those broken or stolen items you might end up with from a non insured dodgy removal company. We at buzzmove work hard to choose only trusted and insured removal companies for our website to try and solve this problem and put the customers back in control of their move.

piano Most common moving house mistakes and how to avoid them (Image source:

Mistake number 3, packing too much
So you are about to move to a new fresh home and you want to bring everything from your old home with you? Think again. When you arrive to your new home you will most probably find that half of your furniture don’t go with the new home and that you actually would like to have a different look to your new home! To prevent this from happening, think carefully about how you want your new home to look before you move in. If your current furniture doesn’t work with your new home, try to sell them before you move and use the money you make to buy new furniture after you’ve moved in. Do the same with all your clothes and other things you have at home, like old books, CDs etc. Go through everything and see if you have things that you no longer need or no longer use, we’re not saying that you should necessarily throw away your clothes if they don’t go with your new home.

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Mistake 4, booking your removal company last minute
One of the worst mistakes you can make is to leave booking a removal company to the last minute. Removal companies do get fully booked, and this is especially true if you’re moving during summer, which is peak season for moving house and the busiest season for removal companies. The best thing you can do is to book your removal company as soon as you know which day you will be moving to ensure that you get the company you want on the day you want.

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Mistake 5, not planning ahead 
Like with most big projects, it’s essential that you plan your move well in advance. Leaving everything to the last minute is not recommended when it comes to moving house. Try to start planning even before you know the exact day of your move as there are a lot of things that need planning. The best thing to do is to create a ‘moving house checklist’ where you can tick off all the different things you need to do. You can either create one yourself, or print out our handy 8 week checklist where we have listed exactly what you need to do each week coming up to your move as well as what needs to be done on the day of your move. Smooth Touch Workspace Most common moving house mistakes and how to avoid them (Image source:

We hope that these tips have been helpful and that they will help make your move easier and less stressful. And remember, as soon as you know the day you’re moving visit to compare exact prices from trusted removal companies and book your move online.

Do you already know when you’re moving? Click the link below and find out which removal companies are live in your area.

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2 thoughts on “Most common moving house mistakes and how to avoid them

  1. Man And Van Guildford

    Great post guys!
    Man and van Guildford is the foremost removal company which provides the best removal services in Guildford, so if you are looking for assistance in moving call us now.

  2. Man And Van Van Hire

    Our company is ready to provide its Removal Companies guildford service 24/7 to all the individuals who want the removal service, hiring us is easy which can be done by just a phone call. Man And Van Guildford is place where you can change you location easily

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