Environmentally Friendly Relocating Tips

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Moving house in just a few weeks? Excited? Unfortunately, the majority of people relocating tend be concerned and stressed about the move, even though this is meant to be an exciting life step.

Alongside logistical worries, many movers are concerned about their carbon footprint during the moving process and would benefit from ‘green’ relocating tips. If you too are planning on moving house, it’s wise to relocate responsibly. To find out how you can do so, keep reading and if you have any of your own tips for environmentally friendly moves, please comment below!

Environmentally Friendly Relocating Tips Environmentally Friendly Relocating Tips


It’s all too common to find people transporting their unused and unnecessary possessions simply to avoid the hassle of selling. The reality is that the fewer belongings you need to transport, the less fuel you use. As well as reducing your carbon dioxide emissions, you can save a substantial amount of money by relocating a smaller inventory.

There are a number of options when it comes to disposing your unused items depending on your situation. We recommend selling items that are still in working condition – there’s no need for a huge boot sale, you can easily sell individual items on websites such as Gumtree, eBay or Craigslist. Donating old clothes and books to charities helps others less fortunate and these items will be put to good use rather than being stuck at the back of your wardrobe! Many of our customers opt to use storage and self-storage as a way of keeping items they may not need immediately safe but accessible.


Rather than buying all packing materials yourself, try and make use of environmentally friendly alternatives that you may already own.

Pop down to your nearest supermarket or retailers, who are usually willing to give out their spare cardboard boxes, which you can tape up to move your items rather than buying brand new ones. We recommend calling the companies first to confirm whether they are willing, to avoid driving around and wasting petrol.

If you have no choice but to buy packing materials, use reusable or recyclable ones. Many removal companies now use recyclable packing material, so it’s important to check before the move if this is an option.


Whether you’ve decided to rent or sell, your old property will still require a good clean. Using green cleaning supplies to clean your house/apartment is one way to protect nature. Avoid standard household cleaning products, and be weary of gimmicky labels that claim the products are “natural”. The best way to ensure you’re using eco-friendly cleaning products is to make them yourself. Surprisingly, you can find most of the ingredients in your kitchen e.g. baking soda, lemons, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, etc. If, however, you don’t have the time to clean yourself, hire professional cleaning agencies which you know use green cleaning supplies such as SuperEndOfTenancyCleaners.

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