Packing companies & Additional services



Packing companies, unpacking companies and storage companies. All can be considered as additional services in a home removal, but depending on your situation, can be one of the most fundamental aspects of a move. Many movers find that having the removal company packing and unpacking their items saves them substantial amounts of time, money and effort on the day of the move, giving them one less thing to worry about. Here is a short guide about what our removal companies offer customers to aid them with their move:

Professional packing companies

All of buzzmove’s BAR accredited removal companies provide professional packing (and also provide the boxes and equipment necessary for your move – which is done according to your inventory), providing you with instant quotes to compare. Choosing a professional packing company over an inexperienced one will make your move a lot more efficient; the more experience these removal companies have had over the decades, the more unusual and niche items they’ve had to pack! As a result, they prove to be more often than not, both time and space efficient, compared to the regular mover – saving you money in the long run. As buzzmove only recruits BAR accredited removal companies, they are fully insured meaning it is in both parties’ interests for them to pack and transport your items safely. Removal companies also come equipped with the safest packing materials, ensuring none of your fragile and possessions such as your TV and kitchen china are at risk of being damaged. Buzzmove makes the whole process that little bit easier, allowing both removal company and user to have access to the full inventory list of things to pack (we advise printing this out – there will be no surprises on the day of the move, so the removal company can bring only what they need). 


Professional unpacking companies

Removal companies also offer unpacking – having everything moved to where you want it on the day of your move allows you to settle in straight away and not live out of a suitcase till everything is unpacked! This is especially useful for families with young children as it allows them to become accustomed to their new surroundings by seeing items they are familiar with. Our removal companies have had years of experience doing this, so unpacking and assembling large/complex items is something you won’t have to worry about, and will also save you risking some back-ache! Using buzzmove’s inventory tool will aid both yourself and the removal company when it comes to assessing what items need to go where – and can even question whether you were utilising your space efficiently in your old property.


Professional storage companies

Although using storage is generally associated with people downsizing their homes, it is also commonly used for storing seasonal items to de-clutter new homes, summer storage for students at university or even for keeping important family possessions safe. What many people do not realise is that removal companies often provide storage solutions themselves, saving you the hassle of liaising with yet another company regarding your move.  It is worth researching what type of storage is most suited to you – if you are holding items that you do not need very often, we advise using container storage, whereas mobile storage is useful if you have a small amount and prefer to pack yourself. The majority of buzzmove’s BAR accredited removal companies offer storage services and this can be arranged through our additional services option within your booking. What’s more, storage is made simpler now as you have an inventory of your items from buzzmove that you can create and send to your removal company to carry out – saving both parties significant time.  


So if you’re after packing companies or other additional services to go with your move, check them out on where you can get an instant quote for them too.


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One thought on “Packing companies & Additional services

  1. Paul Bear

    It’s interesting you mention “unpacking”. Such trouble is taken to make packages invulnerable that the receiver is often frustrated by the difficulty in opening them. An old guy at a warehouse showed me a way to open cardboard boxes with clear tape–press gently on the side where the tape is attached, and it peals a little next to the flaps. Grab the slack, and voila, it’s opened.

    Paul |

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