6 top tips for moving over Christmas time

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hskj 6 top tips for moving over Christmas time

We’ve found that the Christmas period is one of the busiest times for home removals in the UK, but is also one of the most difficult due to the weather, traffic and stress of such an important season in our calendars. As a result, we’ve compiled our best tips to help you through your Christmas move:

Change your address so you don’t miss out on Xmas cards!

This is probably the only time of year when you’re bound to receive an abundance of post through your letterbox. To avoid missing out on Christmas cards from friends and family, make sure they have your new address, especially if you are moving far. Also redirect your bills and other important documentation to avoid the hassle of confusion in the future.

Book a removal company well in advance

This is the busiest time for removal companies but also when they are likely to have limited staff available. It is imperative that you book your removal as soon as you know your move date so you can get the most reasonable price. Of course, https://buzzmove.com/ would be your first stop to compare instant price quotes so you can have an idea within a couple of minutes of which companies are available and how much they’d charge for that day.

Be prepared for adverse weather conditions

December temperatures in recent years haven’t been the worst that we’ve seen (we haven’t had a white Christmas in England since 1999!). Nonetheless, it’s advisable to have some salt/grit ready for both the house you are leaving and the one you are moving into. Clearing the path between removal van and the front door will save a lot of time and potential slips and accidents too.

lodnon 6 top tips for moving over Christmas time

Have an ‘essentials’ AND ‘essential Xmas’ box

In our previous blog (http://ow.ly/rpipM), we said that it was good to have an essentials box which you can easily identify and open upon arrival of your new home with the essential living items. If you’re moving over Christmas, we suggest having an additional box with essential Christmas items such as decorations, childrens’ presents and Christmas jumpers so that you can feel right at home!

Make sure utility bills are paid

If you’re able to switch your utilities from your old home to your new one, make sure that you know the exact details and availability of this. The last thing you want in your new home is no electricity and warmth over the freezing Christmas period.

Get in the Christmas spirit!

Make use of your essentials Xmas box, make some mulled wine, put up some decorations and get into the Christmas mood – there’s nothing more cosy than sitting down to a Christmas movie with only the Christmas lights on. Make your first Christmas in your new home a memorable one!

kjhsadj 6 top tips for moving over Christmas time

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